What We Learned: A Community Poem

At the beginning of summer, we invited ICTE teachers to reflect on their past year and share something they had learned. Teacher-poets Barb Edler and Allison Berryhill used the responses to craft poems.

Barb Edler and Allison Berryhill



Learning to Hope After 28 Years+ of Experience
By Barb Edler

In our classrooms 

We learn

Grace and empathy

Kindness and virtue

Possibilities and persistence


In our classrooms

We develop

Relationships and individuals

New languages; experience

A welcoming bravery


In our classrooms

We breathe

Giving our all

For students; undermined

By public policy


In our classrooms

We cry

Leaning that it’s

Never easy work

Loving and learning

I, Teacher
By Allison Berryhill

I learned

I am not

I have not yet

I am no good

I am overwhelmed

I needed kindness


I live in hope

I am able

I know more than

I did yesterday

I knew 

I know

I needed kindness




Courtney Rice