On Thursday, August 17th, at 4 pm, Deneen Nelson and Brenna Griffin will facilitate a conversation about Dave Stuart Jr’s book These Six Things, which helps teachers focus on what matters most to help guide students to long-term flourishing. Please email them at icteconferencecommittee@gmail.
Stuart will be the keynote speaker at the ICTE Fall Conference on Thursday, Oct. 5. Stuart is a social studies and English teacher who has coined a term we love: Long-term flourishing. “Long-term flourishing is the real purpose of schooling,” he said. “It’s what every educator and parent on the planet hopes for their children. Long-term because we love the child not just for today or this year, but also in 20 years; flourishing because we know there are many viable paths to a useful, rich life.” Focusing our mission relentlessly on students and their needs can help us cut the noise and focus on what we can control.
In addition to reading Stuart’s book and joining in our book club, you can register for the fall conference here.