March 2017
NCTE Standing Committee on Affiliates
Plan for the Expanded Affiliate Leadership Meeting July 7-9: Leaders from all regions—two per affiliate—can plan to attend this year’s annual leadership meeting sharing costs with NCTE. Executive Director Emily Kirkpatrick and NCTE President Susan Houser are excited about this “new opportunity in support of each affiliate and our shared mission.” Atlanta is the site of this year’s meeting. Find meeting and hotel registration on the NCTE website.
Zoom Chats: SCOA representatives are organizing online Zoom video chats for regional affiliate leaders. The committee hopes to extend the value of personal discussions from the summer leadership meetings and annual conventions. Regions 1 and 2 held their meetings in February and enjoyed the time to chat with each other about affiliate activities and concerns. Other regions will host the talks this spring. Please email or telephone your regional representatives with ideas, questions, or concerns of your affiliate. Links appear at the bottom of the newsletter.
Support NCTE Advocacy Day 2017: The official event will be Thursday, April 27, in Washington, DC. In addition to NCTE’s presence in Washington, the Council plans a set of actions members can take on Advocacy Day in their own local contexts. Please visit the NCTE Advocacy Day 2017 page for details.
Visit Policy Analyst Hub at CCCC in Portland This Month: If you are attending the CCCC Convention in Portland, Oregon, March 15-18, please visit the Action Hub, the open area outside the Exhibition Hall. Higher Education Policy Reports from several states will be exhibited and will give you an idea of policies and actions occurring in your state. In addition, policy analysts have volunteered to be available in the Action Hub at various times throughout the Convention. Extend the theme of the 2016 NCTE Annual Convention into this year’s action. To read policy analyst reports, visit NCTE’s Policy Analysis Initiative page.
Show Your Superior Stuff: Applications for most affiliate awards are due May 1. The Standing Committee on Affiliates has expanded the range of recognition for affiliate newsletters, journals, and websites. Instead of selecting only one top prize and up to two honorable mentions, the judges will award certificates of excellence to all entries scoring high in the criteria. The linked pages below provide directions, criteria, and submission forms.
Applications for student affiliate excellence and affiliate excellence awards are due May 1 and July 15, respectively.
Take time as well to nominate for the Affiliate and National Intellectual Freedom Awards. As you’re thinking, check out the blog posts about intellectual freedom.
Nominate an Outstanding High School Educator: NCTE invites affiliates to nominate an outstanding high school classroom teacher for this national award. Each NCTE affiliate may select one person for this honor with the criteria being up to the affiliates’ discretion. Each recipient will be celebrated and recognized at the Secondary Section Luncheon during the NCTE Annual Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. The award deadline is May 1.
Apply for Teachers for the Dream Affiliate Award: The NCTE Fund invites affiliates to implement initiatives aimed at recruiting English language arts teachers of color. The NCTE Fund will offer grants of up to $750 each to selected affiliates that submit proposals to implement recruitment initiatives for teachers of color during the school year of the award. Applications are due no later than May 1. The award’s webpage lists several strategies and links to the application forms.
NCTE Leadership Development Award: This award is given to an early career teacher (1-5 years’ experience) from each state, regional, and provincial affiliate who has never attended an NCTE Annual Convention and who has demonstrated a capacity for professional leadership as well as a willingness to join and participate in the affiliate during the upcoming academic year.
Are you planning your affiliate’s conference program? The conference planning area is designed to bring a wealth of information direct to your desktop. Request a speaker through NCTE’s Cosponsored Speakers Program for NCTE affiliates and TYCA Regional groups. Don’t forget to order an NCTE Affiliate Exhibit Kit which contains complimentary items such as books, journals, and catalogs.
Check out the Following Literacy & NCTE Blog Posts about Affiliates: We’d love to feature posts about your affiliate. Submit your entry to Millie Davis.
Check out the conversation on Twitter at #ncteaffiliate.